LimeWire 4.14.12

LimeWire is a multi-platform Gnutella client with nice features like auto-connect, groups, browse host, multiple search, upload throttling, connection quality control, library management and sophisticated filtering. LimeWire is built for the both the novice and power user.

The file sharing subject has been a very controverted one for a long time, because copyrighted materials got into file sharing networks, which led to some serious holes in the rightful owner’s pocket. Although these scandals happened, file sharing clients and networks still exist, some of them with stricter rules and the rest with – almost – no rules at all.

One of the largest and most popular networks is Gnutella, and LimeWire is a client application for it. The philosophy behind LimeWire could be compressed in a single expression ,which is also the application’s motto: “Enabling Open Information Sharing”. The people behind LimeWire want to hurry up the Gnutella research and development, by providing the core message passing and file sharing code, so anyone who wants to contribute does not need to waste time re-writing it.

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